Sunday, November 11, 2018

Ugandan Culture

Uganda is not only a country richly blessed with lots of wildlife, birds, weather landscape but we are also blessed with a rich diversity of untapped culture and heritage. With 30 plus tribes, Uganda is definitely a place to die for if you are looking for a diverse cultural experience. From the diverse cultural mosaic of music, art, and handicrafts to the culture and norms, to the rituals, and regalia the diversity is unmatched. With three distinct linguistic groups namely the Bantu, Nilotes, and the central Sudanese people. Each encounter presents you with a different set of practices and beliefs.
The central region is mostly inhabited by the Bantu specifically the Baganda whose history is mostly synonymous with that of Uganda. Other Bantu tribes include the Banyankole, Bakiga, Batooro in western Uganda, Busoga among others.  Then the northern and eastern area of the country is mostly the Nilotes who include the Acholis, Itesots, Langis, Alur among others these were the first cattle herding people in the area, but later relied on cultivation to supplement their livestock. The central Sudanese people most of whom live in the northwestern part of the country include the Lugbaras, the madis, among others speak a similar language and have strong cultural similarities. Although there are numerous languages spoken across the country there are two official languages which are English and Swahili, however not the entire population is fluent in eight languages.
Like it is in many countries dance is one of the most important parts of most of the cultural ceremonies along with songs something you can experience on your cultural trip in Uganda. Other rites of passage such as marriage, birth rites, initiation are very important in the different cultures and may vary significantly. There is also a great wealth of Archeological, historical and religious sites that offer a great experience and an in-depth understanding of Uganda. Join us at Journeys Uganda to explore the cultural diversity of Uganda tailoring a package of your dreams based on your needs and enjoy the warmth and friendliness of the Ugandan people.

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